I retired from the New Jersey State police after twenty-five years of service. My first eight years of service were as a general duty road trooper. I spent the last sixteen years of my career assigned to the Alcohol Drug Testing Unit ( ADTU ), having been appointed as the ADTU Unit Head before my retirement. I was the project manager for the state-wide implementation, roll out, and administration of the Alcotest 7110 MKIII-C breath test instrument.
I have been an operator, coordinator, and trainer for both the Breathalyzer 900 and 900A evidentiary breath test instruments and the Alcotest 7110 MKIII-C breath test instrument. I am familiar with the operation and scientific principles underlying the photometric, infrared, and electro-chemical methods of breath testing. I have performed installations, inspections, and breath tests on these types of instruments.
I developed the lesson plans for the one day Alcotest 7110 MKIII-C conversion class, and the four day Alcotest 7110 lesson plan for all New Jersey law enforcement. I have instructed four day breath test operator training, DWI/HGN detection course, one day Breathalyzer refreshers, and Alcotest 7110 MKIII-C conversion training.
In addition to the training of breath test operators, I have participated in the training of more than two hundred prosecutors, one hundred ninety police chiefs, and demonstrated the instrument to all judges in New Jersey that attended the state training. I have demonstrated the Alcotest 7110 MKIII-C instrument for the general public as well as for lawyers attending the New Jersey Institute for Continuing Legal Education on many different occasions.
I am a qualified instructor in the Standardized Field Sobriety Tests, and was qualified as a DRE – Drug Recognition Evaluator, and have been accepted by courts throughout New Jersey as an expert in these fields.
During the initial eight years of my state police career, I have testified as a fact witness in hundreds of cases.
I have been qualified as an expert witness and testified in excess of five hundred municipal court cases throughout New Jersey.
I have been qualified as an expert witness and testified before the Supreme Court of New Jersey. I have also testified before a Grand Jury on several occasions.
I have been recognized as an expert on the Alcotest 7110 MKIII-C by the New Jersey Supreme Court in State vs Chun , et al.